Meet our Trust Teachers.

ResellerRatings crew and teachers bring you through end to end use cases and growth classes on how to use Trust to grow your e-commerce brand and store.

Nishan Sothilingam

Nishan Sothilingam

Chief Trust Officer

Nish has been working on bringing trusted shopper data to the forefront of the customer and business analytics experience for over a decade. He loves connecting shoppers to stores and advocating for both amazing sellers and the shopper, consumer experience.

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Kevin Miller

Kevin Miller

Digital Marketer

Kevin's been on the RSR team for a long time on the forefront of the client and consumer experience. He builds out amazing workflow integrations with our clients, so they can craft the most amazing shopper journey possible. He's going to be teaching us about the best way to showcase and use the platform.

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Sophie Moore

Sophie Moore

UI/UX Designer

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Norma Hicks

Norma Hicks

iOS Developer

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